Registration Now Open for 2019 Annual Conference
70th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program
Clinical and Applied Hypnosis: Evidence-based Practice and the Therapeutic Relationship
October 16-20, 2019 -- Ace Hotel -- New Orleans, LA #SCEH2019
Join us in New Orleans to help us celebrate the 70th Anniversary of SCEH and deepen your hypnosis knowledge and skills. View event details online.
Highlighted Speakers and Topics

Left to right: Éva I. Bányai, PhD; Irving Kirsch, PhD; Michael R. Nash, PhD; Karen Olness MD; Devin B. Terhune, PhD and Jeffrey K. Zeig, PhD
Varied Program for Professionals at All Levels
The SCEH Annual Conference includes clinical hypnosis training for all levels, with workshops designed to teach participants hypnotic theory and practical techniques that can be put into immediate use in clinical practice. The Scientific Program features keynotes, presentations and symposia that address empirical issues in hypnosis research and practice and related areas.
Conference Highlights
- 20-credit tracks for Introductory and Skills Level Training
- 14 Advanced Workshops
- Scientific Program featuring 6 Highlighted Speakers and 3 Symposia
- Robust Poster Session including "Poster Blitz" Session
- Annual Awards Banquet Recognizing Hypnosis Leaders
- Member Luncheon
- Women's Breakfast
- Student/Early Career Professionals Luncheon
- Networking Reception and Many Opportunities to Connect with Colleagues
Continuing Education Credits
Multiple registration options allow you to get the CE credits you need. See our website for details.
Get Early Conference Pricing
Save money by registering for the conference early and making your hotel reservations now! Early registration is encouraged.
Registration prices increase after September 15.
Online registration is now open. Register online (link to registration form; login required)
Attendees are encouraged to stay at the conference hotel and to make their room reservations as soon as possible.
Our special group rate is in effect until September 15 or until we sell out, whichever occurs first.
For information on how to secure your room, see Site and Accommodations.
View event details -- including Workshop and Scientific Program Agendas and Descriptions, Conference Pricing and more.
Contact us at [email protected].
Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis
70th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program
Clinical and Applied Hypnosis: Evidence-based Practice and the Therapeutic Relationship
October 16-20, 2019
Ace Hotel -- New Orleans, LA