SCEH 2019 Election Results

2019 Election Results:  Welcome Our Newly Elected Officers

Thank you to all the members who voted in our recent election. As a membership organization, your input and support is what helps to keep the Society going.

A special thanks to all the candidates for running for an elected office. Running for office speaks highly of each candidate's commitment to the Society and its goals.

Our 2019 election results are as follows:

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Help recognize deserving members of the hypnosis community

Help Recognize Deserving Members of the Hypnosis Community

Every year, the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis presents a number of awards to individuals in the world of clinical and experimental hypnosis to acknowledge their service and scientific and clinical contributions to the field.

Call for Awards Nominations

We seek nominations from SCEH members and the general community of hypnosis clinicians and researchers.  Our goal is to encourage the widest breadth of nominations.  Self nominations are accepted.

Awards will be presented in October at the 2019 Annual Conference of SCEH.

sceh awards ribbon

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Student Posters and Papers Wanted

Student Posters and Papers Wanted

Calling all students! The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis invites you to submit a Poster or Research Presentation for the SCEH 2019 Annual Conference in New Orleans.  See details on special student registration incentives below.  Any student eligible for membership may participate in SCEH events.
Have a Poster to Submit?

We are looking for new ideas and topics in hypnosis and related fields that improve our understanding of hypnosis. While topics that address this year’s conference theme, Clinical and Applied Hypnosis: Evidence-based Practice and the Therapeutic Relationship, are requested, other topics are also welcome. 

Poster presentations allow authors to concisely present a case report or data that can be easily grasped in this format. Poster presentations often permit more discussion between presenters and attendees and may be especially advantageous for students, clinicians, and new investigators.

Benefits of Presenting a Poster

Presenting a Poster at the SCEH Annual Conference provides you with several benefits, including:

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SCEH Extends Call for Hypnosis Papers and Posters Deadline

Call for Papers Deadline Extended

The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis is extending its Call for Papers submission deadline to April 8, 2019.

SCEH invites submissions of Workshops, Scientific Presentations and Posters for its upcoming Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana in October of 2019.

This year's theme, Clinical and Applied Hypnosis: Evidence-based Practice and the Therapeutic Relationship, puts a focus, first on selecting treatment interventions well tested by rigorous research, and second, on personal mastery of the relationship variables that optimize all therapeutic interventions.  Our 2019 conference will feature keynotes, symposia, and workshops that illustrate these twin themes, as well as scientific presentations extending the scope of hypnosis in both medical and psychological practice. Proposals addressing the meeting theme will be prioritized.

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SCEH Continuing Education Opportunities in Hypnosis

SCEH Continuing Education Opportunities in Hypnosis

SCEH offers workshops and training in clinical hypnosis that are designed for both clinicians and researchers new to hypnosis, as well as those who wish to deepen their understanding.  SCEH workshops meet accepted Standards of Training in Clinical Hypnosis and count toward SCEH Hypnosis Certification Programs.

In 2019, SCEH will offer its Second Annual Midyear Clinical Hypnosis Workshops from April 26-27, 2019 at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Denver Tech Center-Centennial in Centennial (Denver), Colorado. Included will be Introductory, Intermediate and Advanced Workshops. Details and registration

This year will also mark the Society's 70th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program, continuing a long tradition of excellence in hypnosis training.  This event will examine the theme of Clinical and Applied Hypnosis: Evidence-based Practice and the Therapeutic Relationship.  It will be held from October 16-20, 2019 at the Ace Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana.  This event features Introductory/Basic, Skills/Intermediate and Advanced Workshops plus a Scientific Program. A Call for Papers for this event is now underway.
Conference registration will open in June 2019. Learn more.

Call for Papers Now Underway

2019 Annual Conference Call for Papers  Now Underway

The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis invites submissions of Workshops, Scientific Presentations and Posters for its upcoming Annual Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana in October of 2019.

This year's theme, Clinical and Applied Hypnosis: Evidence-based Practice and the Therapeutic Relationship, puts a focus, first on selecting treatment interventions well tested by rigorous research, and second, on personal mastery of the relationship variables that optimize all therapeutic interventions.  Our 2019 conference will feature keynotes, symposia, and workshops that illustrate these twin themes, as well as scientific presentations extending the scope of hypnosis in both medical and psychological practice. Proposals addressing the meeting theme will be prioritized.

In the words of SCEH President, Don Moss, PhD:

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2019 Midyear Workshops Registration Open

Registration Now Open for 2019 Midyear Workshops in Clinical Hypnosis

SCEH continues our expanded educational offerings with our second annual Midyear Workshops in Clinical Hypnosis 2019.  The event will be held as follows:

April 26-27, 2019 (Friday and Saturday)  

Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Denver Tech Center-Centennial

Centennial, Colorado


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SCEH Conference Enhances Learning of Clinical Hypnosis

SCEH Conference Enhances Learning of Clinical Hypnosis

 SCEH 2018 conference

The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis will host its 69th Annual Workshops and Scientific Program in October in Las Vegas. If you want to understand how hypnosis can improve patient outcomes and learn about the latest research in this field, this event is for you.  This year’s conferences examines Hypnosis in Integrated/Integrative Healthcare: Collaborative, Connected and Creative ApproachesThis is your chance to network, collaborate and exchange ideas with leaders and peers who share a commitment to promoting excellence and progress in hypnosis research, education, and clinical practice. This year’s conferences examines the timely theme of Hypnosis in Integrated/Integrative Healthcare: Collaborative, Connected and Creative Approaches.

View this brief slideshow for an overview of the conference and some photos from last year.

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Still Accepting Posters

Deadline Extended! Still Accepting Posters thru August 30, 2018

Submit a poster for the SCEH 2018 Annual Conference today!

69th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program

Hypnosis in Integrated/Integrative Healthcare: Collaborative, Connected and Creative Approaches

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2018 Keynotes, Invited Addresses and Symposia

2018 Keynotes, Invited Addresses and Symposia

The Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis is pleased to announce the following keynote presentations and speakers for this year's conference in Las Vegas.




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Check out the SCEH 2018 Conference Brochure

2018 Conference Brochure -- Register Now for the Best Registration and Hotel Rates


2018 SCEH Annual Conference

69th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program

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Learn clinical hypnosis or sharpen existing skills - SCEH April Workshops in Albany

Midyear Clinical Hypnosis Workshops

April 20-22, 2018 -- Albany, NY

Learn clinical hypnosis skills or sharpen your existing hypnosis skills, to improve patient outcomes and add to your professional toolkit.

Join SCEH (the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis) and APA Division 30 in April in Albany for introductory or advanced training led by global experts in the hypnosis field. Topics are:


 Basic: Advanced:
Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis                                                                                        Power Tools for Anxiety and Affect Regulation:   An Integration of Hypnosis, Cognitive-Behavioral and Mindfulness Interventions in Clinical Hypnosis


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Midyear Workshops - Register before March 31 for Best Pricing

Learn or sharpen Clinical Hypnosis skills to improve patient outcomes and add to your professional toolkit.  Join SCEH and APA Division 30 in April in Albany for introductory or advanced training led by global experts in the hypnosis field. Topics are: Intro/Basic:  Introduction to Clinical Hypnosis and Advanced: Power Tools for Anxiety and Affect Regulation Integration of Hypnosis, Cognitive-Behavioral and Mindfulness Interventions in Clinical Hypnosis.

Workshops meet accepted Standards of Training in Clinical Hypnosis. Each workshop offers 20 CEs and is co-sponsored by The Institute for Continuing Education.  Instructors are Donald Moss, PhD, Eric K. Willmarth, PhD and Carolyn Daitch, PhD.

SCEH workshops and conferences consistently garner highly favorable reviews from attendees, are scientifically-based, and include demonstration and an opportunity to practice skills learned.

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Call for Papers for SCEH 2018 Annual Conference

Call for Papers - 2018 Conference

SCEH invites submissions for its upcoming Annual Conference.

The 2018 Annual Meeting of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis will celebrate the place of "Hypnosis in Integrated/Integrative Healthcare: Collaborative, Connected and Creative Approaches" as our conference theme.  Our 2018 meeting will highlight the expanded integration of hypnosis into medical and mental healthcare settings. In addition, the meeting will showcase the collaboration between hypnosis practitioners and complementary healthcare practitioners. The meeting will also include scientific presentations on the "Evidence Base of Clinical Hypnosis." Proposals addressing the meeting theme will be prioritized.


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Register now for 2018 Midyear Workshops

Register Now for our 2018 Midyear Workshops

As announced our September newsletter, SCEH is expanding the educational opportunities we offer and introducing a new Midyear Workshops event in 2018, an initiative that came out of our strategic planning efforts.  The program is being co-sponsored by Division 30 of the American Psychological Association, and we hope it will help grow awareness and membership in both organizations.

The Mid-Year Workshops will take place from April 20-22, 2018 (Friday - Sunday) at the Radisson Hotel Albany, Albany, NY. The Advanced Workshop will be a wonderful program by Dr. Carolyn Daitch on Power Tools for Anxiety and Affect Regulation: Effective Integration of Hypnosis, Cognitive-Behavioral, and Mindfulness Interventions.  Drs. Don Moss and Eric Willmarth will present a 20-hour Basic/Introductory Workshop in Clinical Hypnosis that is consistent with the Standards of Training in Clinical Hypnosis and partially meet SCEH Certification training requirements.

Please see below for more details on this initiative.

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2017 Poster Submissions Still Open

Poster Submissions Still Being Accepted on a Rolling Basis for SCEH 2017 Chicago Conference 

Posters are still being accepted for the Society's 68th Annual Scientific Program in October in Chicago. SCEH invites researchers and clinicians to submit posters addressing empirical issues in the science of hypnosis and related topics, including suggestibility, placebo effects, and contemplative practice. The SCEH meeting provides a unique venue for presenting and integrating rigorous data-based findings in an atmosphere conducive to constructive criticism and debate.
Poster presentations allow authors to concisely present a case report or data that can be easily grasped in this format. Poster presentations often permit more discussion between presenters and attendees and may be especially advantageous for students, clinicians, and new investigators. Authors will be expected to stand by their poster and be prepared to answer questions about its content during the poster session. The submission should clearly specify that the submission is for a poster presentation.
Presenting a poster at the SCEH Scientific Session is an excellent opportunity to present fully completed research studies or clinical case studies, pilot studies as well as preliminary research. It affords presenter the opportunity to gain valuable feedback from leading clinicians and researchers in the hypnosis field, both in group and one on one discussions. It also gives presenters experience in the poster format and a forum to expand their professional relationships.

Pre-submission inquiries can be sent to the Scientific Program Chairs:  

The Poster Session takes place prior to the Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday, October 28. Poster presenters must register for the conference.  Full details can be found at:

Register Now for 2017 Conference

Register Now for the 2017 SCEH Conference in Chicago

We invite you to join a world class faculty and your colleagues in the mental health, medical and research communities to: 
  • deepen your understanding of hypnosis
  • enhance your clinical skills
  • discover new ways to help those you serve
  • stay up to date on the latest scientific research
  • share insights and challenges with colleagues

Register now for SCEH 2017 Conference



2017 Conference Registration is Now Open

2017 Conference Registration is Now Open

Registration is now open for our annual conference:
68th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program
October 25-29, 2017
Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North and the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL
sceh register now
Join a world class faculty and your colleagues from the mental health and medical communities in Chicago this fall. For more information about the hotel please see Site and Accomodations.
To view meeting details, including agendas and session descriptions, please download our conference brochure.
Conference Workshops and Presentations From Leaders in the Field:
Clinical hypnosis has relevance for each stage in the human life cycle. The "Hypnosis for the Ages" conference will feature keynotes, symposia, and workshops on Pediatric and Adolescent Applications of Hypnosis, Current Approaches to Hypnosis in Geriatrics and End of Life Care, and Highlights in the History of Hypnosis. The meeting will also include scientific presentations on the Evidence-Base of Medical Hypnosis.
We are excited about our 2017 conference format and our venue, The Chicago School for Professional Psychology. We will explore some new and varied topics, while providing attendees with an opportunity to earn CE credits, network with colleagues, explore potential collaboration and engage in vibrant debate. 
Varied Program for Professionals at All Levels
Our 2017 program features a variety of sessions and workshops.  Workshops are designed to teach attendees hypnotic theory and share practical techniques they can put to  immediate use to helping clients in their professional practice. Lectures, audiovisual presentations, and skill-practice groups are featured.  Our Scientific Program provides a showcase for well known authorities to share the latest research on clinical and experimental hypnosis, including keynotes, research presentations and symposia.
Conference Highlights include:
  • 20-credit Introductory Workshop in Clinical Hypnosis
  • 17 Advanced Level Workshops
  • 6 Skills-building/Intermediate Level Workshops
  • 19 scientific research talks, plenaries and symposia, including 6 keynotes
  • Scientific poster presentations
  • Awards Banquet honoring established and emerging leaders in the field
  • Student and Early Career Professionals Luncheon
  • Member Luncheon to learn about the latest Society activities on your behalf
  • Networking Reception with our local colleagues from the Chicago Society for Clinical Hypnosis
  • Opportunity to meet and share insights and questions with other in the hypnosis community
#HynosisTraining #HypnosisWorkshop #Clinical Hypnos #HypnosisResearch

2017 Conference Registration is Now Open

2017 Conference Registration is Now Open

Registration is now open for our annual conference:
68th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program
October 25-29, 2017
Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North and the Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago, IL
sceh register now
Join a world class faculty and your colleagues from the mental health and medical communities in Chicago this fall.
For more information about our conference hotel, the Holiday Inn Chicago Mart Plaza River North,please see Site and Accomodations.  
To view meeting details, including agendas and session descriptions, please download our conference brochure.

Conference Workshops and Presentations From Leaders in the Field:
Clinical hypnosis has relevance for each stage in the human life cycle. The "Hypnosis for the Ages" conference will feature keynotes, symposia, and workshops on Pediatric and Adolescent Applications of Hypnosis, Current Approaches to Hypnosis in Geriatrics and End of Life Care, and Highlights in the History of Hypnosis. The meeting will also include scientific presentations on the Evidence-Base of Medical Hypnosis.
We are excited about our 2017 conference format and our venue, The Chicago School for Professional Psychology. We will explore some new and varied topics, while providing attendees with an opportunity to earn CE credits, network with colleagues, explore potential collaboration and engage in vibrant debate. 
Varied Program for Professionals at All Levels
Our 2017 program features a variety of sessions and workshops.  Workshops are designed to teach attendees hypnotic theory and share practical techniques they can put to  immediate use to helping clients in their professional practice. Lectures, audiovisual presentations, and skill-practice groups are featured.  Our Scientific Program provides a showcase for well known authorities to share the latest research on clinical and experimental hypnosis, including keynotes, research presentations and symposia.
Conference Highlights include:
  • 20-credit Introductory Workshop in Clinical Hypnosis
  • 17 Advanced Level Workshops
  • 6 Skills-building/Intermediate Level Workshops
  • 19 scientific research talks, plenaries and symposia, including 6 keynotes
  • Scientific poster presentations
  • Awards Banquet honoring established and emerging leaders in the field
  • Student and Early Career Professionals Luncheon
  • Member Luncheon to learn about the latest Society activities on your behalf
  • Networking Reception with our local colleagues from the Chicago Society for Clinical Hypnosis
  • Opportunity to meet and share insights and questions with other in the hypnosis community
#HypnosisTraining #HypnosisWorkshop #Clinical Hypnosis #HypnosisResearch #SCEH2017  

2017 SCEH Call for Awards

Call for Awards Nominations  

We are seeking nominations for SCEH Awards for 2017.  As a member of the Society, we hope you will consider making a nomination.  

DEADLINE:  All nominations are due by July 15th

ELIGIBILITY PERIOD -- July 1, 2016 through July 1, 2017

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