Call for Nominations 2021

SCEH Call for Officer Nominations

SCEH has opened a call for nominations to lead the Society in the roles of President-Elect, Treasurer, and Secretary for the coming two-year term of office (2021-2023).  Officers will begin their terms following our October 2021 Annual Conference. All Full Members in good standing are eligible to run for office; self-nominations are welcome.

Deadline: Nominations must be submitted by January 19, 2021

Open Positions and Summary of Duties


The President-Elect, shall, in the temporary absence or disability of the President, act in the place of the President.If there shall be no President-Elect, and the President is unavailable, the President's duties shall be performed by the individual Director designated by the Executive Council, or by the Past President. Each President-Elect, shall also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Executive Council, the President or the Executive Committee, if any, which duties may include powers elsewhere assigned or delegated to other officers.


The Secretary shall keep the minute books and, if there be one, the seal of the Corporation, serve or cause to be served all notices of the Corporation including notices of meetings of the Executive Council, record the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and Executive Council, and in general perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary.  They may also perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Executive Council, the President or the Executive Committee, if any, which duties may include powers elsewhere assigned or delegated to other officers.


The Treasurer shall have responsibility for the custody of all funds, securities and property owned by the Corporation and shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Corporation. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the deposit of all moneys and other valuable effects in the name and to the credit of the Corporation in such depositories as may be designated by the Executive Council. The Treasurer shall exhibit to any Director at all reasonable times the Corporation's books of account and records.The Treasurer shall render a statement of the financial condition of the Corporation at the annual meeting of the Executive Council. The Treasurer shall present an annual financial report at the annual business meeting. If an Auditing Committee has examined the financial records of SCEH, then the report of this Committee shall be included in the Treasurer's report. The Treasurer shall perform all duties incident to the office of the Treasurer and such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to them by the Executive Council, the President, or the Executive Committee, if any, which duties may include powers elsewhere assigned or delegated to other officers. The Treasurer shall also be the chair of the Budget Committee.

Nominations and Elections Process

  • If you have questions or would like to nominate a person for these important offices (self-nominations are also welcome), please forward your nomination with your contact information via email to:
    Donald Moss, PhD
    SCEH Immediate Past President and Nominations Committee Chair
  • For SCEH operational and management issues, please contact:
    Anne Doherty Johnson, Executive Director

As outlined in the Society's bylaws, the Nominations Committee will review all nominations, confirm candidate acceptances of nominations, and then collect and circulate candidate statements and ballots. In the spring, all SCEH members in good standing at that time will be sent a ballot. Voting will be completed by May 15, 2021 and the new roster of elected officers will be tabulated and announced in early summer.

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