2024 Annual Conference Info               Call for Papers page 

Update: Notifications to this year's scholarship winners have been emailed.
Please make sure you have added our email addresses to your email so that you do not miss any important conference communications.

Conference Committee Co-chairs are currently reviewing Call for Papers submissions and completing the conference schedule. 
We expect to send out acceptance notifications for Advanced Workshops, the Scientific Program shortly.


2024 Scholarship Program

In 2024, SCEH will offer the following scholarship programs for the 2024 Annual Conference in Anaheim:

See below for more information about each program.  You will receive a confirmation of your scholarship application via email.

Scholarship Committee 

Chair: Barbara McCann, PhD - [email protected]; Members: Ciara Christensen, PhD - [email protected] and Don Moss, PhD - [email protected]

 Student/Trainee Scholarships 


All individuals in training programs at the pre-baccalaureate, graduate school, professional school (e.g., medical, dental, nursing, etc.), residency, and fellowship levels (hereafter referred to as “trainees”) may apply for a Student/Trainee Scholarship to attend the 2024 Conference in Anaheim.  Those who submit a presentation for consideration as a poster presentation or research (paper) presentation are encouraged to apply.  Receipt of a scholarship is contingent on paper or poster presentation acceptance and conference attendance to present in person. There is a small $15 fee required at the time of application.


The scholarship program is open to currently enrolled students who meet our membership requirements, although you do not need to be a member to apply for the scholarship.  Before applying, kindly review our membership eligibility requirements here.

Categories of Student/Trainees Who Should Apply

Student/Trainees who are enrolled in master’s or doctoral programs in psychology; counseling; marriage and family therapy; medicine; dentistry or nursing, as well as interns at qualified medical and psychological training institutions, are eligible to apply. A limited number of scholarships are available; priority is given to those who are first authors of a paper accepted for the Scientific Program who will present that paper at the meeting.

Scholarship Details

The scholarship provides a waiver of registration fees. The scholarship will reimburse hotel accommodations at the conference hotel for up to 4 nights (Wednesday through Saturday night of the conference) at the conference rate. Receipt of a scholarship is contingent on paper or poster presentation acceptance and conference attendance to present in person.

How to Apply

Complete the Call for Papers and the Student/Trainee Scholarship Application Form.


Direct questions to [email protected].

Apply for a Student/Trainee Scholarship. 


Assen Alladin Conference Scholarships for Student and Trainees


The Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH) is pleased to announce the Assen Alladin Conference Scholarship to encourage eligible trainees to learn about hypnosis and its relevance to their work. Applicants with no prior study or experience in hypnosis are especially encouraged to apply. SCEH invites trainees to submit a research paper for presentation at the Scientific Program on treating psychological distress or psychiatric illness using autogenic training, biofeedback, cognitive behavioral therapy and third-wave therapies, breathing techniques, guided imagery, mindfulness, meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or yoga. The focus on these areas acknowledges the similarities these techniques share with hypnosis and encourages reflection on areas of shared and divergent conceptualization and methodology.

The scholarship winners will be expected to register for and attend the conference, attend the Introductory Workshop on Hypnosis (October 23-27, 2024), and present their papers during the Scientific Program (October 27-28).


The principal aim of this scholarship is to encourage eligible trainees to consider and study hypnosis in their research and clinical work in psychological distress or psychiatric illness. The focus on psychological distress or psychiatric illness recognizes Dr. Alladin’s contributions to the alleviation of these conditions through his research, clinical work, and teaching.

Scholarship Award Amount

The total annual distribution for this conference scholarship will be determined based on the Scholarship Committee’s evaluation of the submitted applications and scholarship funds' availability. Up to four individual awards of up to $2,000.00 each to cover travel costs to the 2024 75th Annual Workshops & Scientific Program (October 23-27, 2024 in Anaheim, California) will be awarded. The scholarship also reimburses hotel accommodation in the conference hotel for up to 4 nights (Wednesday through Saturday night of the conference) at the conference room rate. The conference registration fee will be waived. All scholarship recipients must complete a conference registration form.


Trainees (students, interns, residents, fellows or equivalent) currently registered or enrolled, at the time of the application process, in programs leading to the following degrees are eligible to apply: physicians, dentists, doctoral-level speech pathologists and pharmacists, doctoral-level practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine), masters or higher degree in psychology, marital/family therapy (or couples/family therapy), counseling, nursing, physician assistants, social work (accredited by the Council on Social Work Education), health coaching, or physical or occupational therapy. Those in the process of obtaining a bachelor's or higher degree and licensure as nurses, dental hygienists, paramedics, midwives, or mental health counselors/associates are also eligible to apply.

Submission Requirements and Basis of Award

The Scholarship Committee, comprised of the Current President, Immediate Past President, and President-Elect of SCEH will select students to receive a scholarship based on:

  • A completed Assen Alladin Scholarship Application Form
  • Review of the applicant’s submission to the Call for Papers
  • A letter or e-mail from the applicant’s department chair or faculty mentor to verify the applicant’s status as a trainee in good standing.
  • On the Scholarship Form, applicants will be asked to describe their interest in hypnosis and how they might apply it in their work.

The scholarship will be awarded based on the quality of the Call for Papers submission and the applicant’s statement of interest in hypnosis. All decisions of the Scholarship Committee are final. The applicant will be expected to attend the 2024 Annual Workshops & Scientific Program of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (October 23-27, 2024, in Anaheim, California), including the Introductory Workshop in Hypnosis, and present their paper (15-20 minutes) during the Scientific Program. The applicant will also be expected to attend the Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday October 26, 2024, to recognize their award.

How to Apply

Complete the Call for Papers and the Assen Alladin Scholarship Application Form..


Direct questions to [email protected].

About Assen Alladin, PhD, RPsych

Dr. Assen Alladin was a member of the Society of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis and a past president of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He held many positions within hypnosis organizations in North America. Dr. Alladin made significant contributions to the application of hypnosis to anxiety disorders and depression, publishing three books and numerous book chapters and journal articles. He frequently presented in ASCH, SCEH, ISH, APA Division 30, and the Canadian Federation of Clinical Hypnosis programs.

Apply for an Assen Alladin Conference Scholarship.   



 SCEH 2024 conference logo

2024 Annual Conference - 75th Annual Workshops and Scientific Program

October 23-27, 2024 (Wednesday-Sunday)
Mind Unleashed
Anaheim Majestic Garden Hotel, Anaheim, CA 

Live / In Person / Face to Face Training

Event details: https://www.sceh.us/conference-details
Call for Papers: https://www.sceh.us/call-for-papers-2024